Dental Fillings
Cavaties are a common cause of tooth discomfort. Removing the cavity & filling the hole is a simple procedure we perform at Scranton Dental Center

Cavity Treatment & Fillings
Dental fillings are used to fill the hole created when a dentist treats a cavity in the patient's tooth. Cavities are caused by break down in tooth enamel that allows bacteria to enter and damage the tooth. This can cause pain and discomfort for the patient and if not treated, could cause severe damage to the tooth.
This Common Procedure Involves:
Local Anesthetic
Numbs the area surrounding the damanged tooth before treatment
Makes for a painless treatment
Works quickly
Numbness wears off shortly after procedure is complete
Cleaning Out Tooth
Decay is removed from the inside of the tooth
A small hole is drilled in the tooth
Decay & bacteria treated and removed
Pain subsides quickly
Filling Applied
Filling material is applied to the hole to close the tooth
Protects from any more bacteria or decay entering
Durable and long-lasting
Different filling materials available, many are tooth colored
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